Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We have not posted something in sooo long! Normally I would apologize on our behalf of ...but we don't feel sorry for swift transitions. hahaha. It's a good sign.
We just havent had time to BLOG BLOG BLOG it up. Everyone in the collective is feeling the pressure of Season Change [including but not limited to the weather; with some of us moving to new apartments (take notice of the BROOKLYN RENAISSANCE that is occuring), preparing to be counselors/advisors for incoming freshman at our colleges, job switching, and entrepeneurship, Peace has been a luxury.

However, in the midst of trying to follow plans, budgets,deadlines and schedules..."THE REAL" caught up with me.
A few afternoons ago, I was on break from Freshman orientation training. These 9 am mornings and 9pm nights are not for the feeble hearted.When lunch comes, I barely want to eat or bear witness to the -Itis...I just want to sleep...Moving on with my story...I was in the line at The Cantina [yes,my school has no real cafeteria].I had fruit snacks and a Nutri-Grain bar in hand. I went to pay for my sweet eats and the cashier told me the total was $1.55; The only cash I had was $21.
I dug and fiddled around my pocket, twirling my fingers in between the lint and keys... At that moment I was so pissed off that I didn't have coins.
I HATE breaking big bills because then the money seems to spend so much faster and be out of my control. So I huffed and puffed and basically had a "RESPONSIBLE ADULT TANTRUM" [I just made that term up]. With a calm voice and subtle smile, the cashier encouraged me not to fret. He then made a simple remark, "Change is part of life." And it caught me by surprise. I was so entangled by my mini financial crisis, words of reason were foreign.
I smiled and told that man I was going to quote him. Okay, so it may not be the newest phrase or even the most enchanting interpretation of this old idea;But for me it took new shape...it had new meaning!

I have been making some drastic changes in my life. Risks have been all up and down my alley. I don't even think I would recognize the old me if it sat right next to me. I have control over everything...yet I have control over nothing. And thats been frightening me lately...I've been saying a lot of "I just have to figure it all out." BUUUUUT I CANT!
So I write another epic long blog to say this simple bit----CHANGE IS PART OF LIFE!!! Love it. Don't just deal, EMBRACE IT. Be good stewarts over your time and your money and blessings will surely be in your cycle. Most of us accept that, for the BIG changes. But be sure to keep that thought in pocket when you only have a $20 and you want a Fruit Roll-Up. LOL.

Thank you cashier man.

Another Moment Brought to You by The Black WillyWonka,
Johnston Michaels

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Either YOU have to SHUTUP...or I MUST STOP Listening!

Okay...so this post's title is rather long; but it abbreviates what I intend to tackle in this passage.

Often we are confronted with these 2 choices >>> Listening to our internal voice [the God within] vs. listening to the external parties that be...that BE...THAT BE inhibiting us, and prolongs our advancement.

We are all PHans of Kanye West; whether we envy... or pride ourselves in despising his shameless arrogance. But even he had to admit that being unteachable is not the way to go. Which he made clear in his pseudo satire/review of himself >>>>"CANT TELL ME NOTHING".

There IS a healthy place between total unreceptiveness and self doubt.
There is a confident space in which all HUEmens and artists alike, must reside.

If you are not keeping up with the actual Olympic games, you should at least stay abreast with the news concerning it. There are morals in these stories we can all learn from.

Rau'shee Warren, a flyweight boxer [on the American team] had a match against Korean opponent Lee Oksung last night. Now Brother Rau'shee lost the match.And not merely because he was not physically apt or resilient, but because he was positive he heard someone in the crowd yelling "MOVE! MOVE!".
You see, in the boxing realm- that cry means that he had the chance to win, and that all he needed to do was avoid getting punched. Much to his disappointment , those yells Rau'shee heard were NOT in his favor! The final score was 9-8. Oksung took home the gold medal. Our Black brother Rau'shee, had been anticipating the moment to take that medal home to his mother Paulette,for the past 4 years.However, he forfeited that opportunity when he took advice from THE CROWD [even though his coaches were yelling a different message].

When I was made aware of this news I was so deeply hurt. It's not just the fact that he lost. It's how he lost that leaves a deep scar. I usually do not preoccupy myself with the lastest sports updates.But I have learned that games in the rings...on the courts...the fields...WHEREVER... are reflections of how we perform in life. The manner in which people conduct themselves in physical competition is more than just an indicator of there brute strength, but shows the way they view there opponents [and what they represent] along with themselves in the context of the task.
The symbols & real world application of each sporting event can be further dissected psychologically.

With that said, I find it so interesting that Mr. Warren paid closer attention to what the audience was saying,rather than his coaches. Sometimes we forget that we may only have 2 real friends in this lifetime...very few individuals are really in our corner. Yet we remain so curious of the masses' opinions. I am not passing dissension. I am an artist; I am victim of the same thing. I second guess myself and ask a million people for their opinion on projects...when I know that my idea is GOLD...only to later realize that I should have proceeded with the concept-with no advice from anyone.

Along this path of confidence absence we have OUR IDEAS STOLEN. People model themselves after us. We are forced to reinvent ourselves.

It's an extremely rocky path. Sometimes we have to take chances and go with our gut. A wise woman once told me "There is only one chance in music." I dare to say that there is only one chance in all performance arenas. This encompasses performance art, public speaking...SPORTS!
God, I know it's hard. But let this note encourage you to trust yourself. Do not slight your footing in response to yells like "MOVE! MOVE!" from bystanders. Do not doubt yourself because spectators criticize. We must take chances. Safe living is not safe at all.
There were remarks made about rules discouraging vocalized spectator advice. But the crowd will always be the crowd...the key is that the performer in the ring not respond to such antics. We must develop a ring of focus. When we submerge ourselves into environments where people have the opportunity to speak...WE MUST provide ourselves with center.

YES...back to my ending...STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS REAL. lol.
Art can ONLY be art if we take a risk. But make sure that risk is worth it. Let's work wise...not hard!
Sooo I think I have supplied you with enough one liners for the day. C.O.I. [Chuckling On the Inside]

Carpe diem brethren.
Until next time...


Sir Johnston Michaels

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kinda overdue...but still GOOD!

Some of you may be familiar with the new Nike Commercial that features a song by SAUL WILLIAMS called "List of Demands".

Some of you may have & should have been down with him for a minute, since he is NOT a new artist at all. LOL.

Well, to those of you who are unfamiliar with this genius... GOOGLE HIM BABY [much like Teyauna Taylor instructs you to ]! Find his words. Youtube him. Take a break from the fashion blogs and ingest some quality work.

NIGGYTARDUST. that's all I'll say.

Do what you gotta do. But if you consider yourself a progressive artist in the least bit , he needs to be in your library at some level.


-Johnston Michaels
(the black willywonka)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Lovely Day

I would like to call upon the great words of Bill Withers

Sometimes I think it's just important to note how lovely life is.

I don't have much more to say beyond that...yet I have a lot more to say within that!
But life is good. The universe is sooo cylical.
Reading pretty much satiates me.
I know my Mother; I have a few good persons in my cycle that care.

I am blessed to be in school.
I am smiling.

I believe THAT is important enough to write a blog.

I'm done.

-Johnston Michaels