Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A.A.S.U.=More than bad Fashion Shows & Bake Sales!


No pussyfooting on the blog today.
No beatin' round the bush.
No being evasive.
No PHancy intro to say something so simple.
No convoluted banter to spin a larger web of propaganda.

OH NO! Not today!!!

I am going to get right to the point.
[LOL...I couldn't help myself]

Here it is FOLKS!
Join the African American Student Union at your school.
Maybe at your institution it's the People of Color Clan.
Or the Brown, Black and Tan Party...
whatever the hell it is! Join it.

This year my school has accepted more freshman into the music department. Thankfully, we have a lot more Peppers; but the amount of the SALTS has increased tremendously. That means the chocolate chip cookies are still ONLY being dipped in the big glass of milk!

I have never felt so lost. All my teachers are part of the pale party...and most of my classmates are too. Lately, I've been going to class terribly overwhelmed and uncomfortable. Even though my pigment interrupts the monotony of my class...I still have to speak louder and strategically plan my every move to make sure my $38,000/yr goes to good use.
I realized that the A.A.S.U's @ universities are so important...They are our hub; our haven; our voice; our campmeeting. We have to invest time in them, and take them more seriously than a lot of us do.

That's it.
I'm done.
No fancy conclusions.
No long endings.
No excessive sentences just to be cool...

Johnston Michaels

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