Sunday, October 26, 2008

new world order*

The other day I posted some text concerning the recent recession panic.
By no means am I apologizing for my words; rather, I am making it clear that I am not invalidating this ever rising inflation.
In fact, I am acknowledging it. This crisis is sooo real...and not coincidental in the least bit.
Look at your country's history (compare pre-Great Depression to the state we're in now), look at other countries' history ie: the Weimar Republic inflation (during the 1920's, I believe)...
the tactics of increased prices on merchandise & and services, and encouragement from the government to spend, is not new at all.
I was just so pissed off at people blaming their destituion on the recession. Yes, the economy has had us all in the hole. But I think it becomes a bit ridiculous when we say we cant buy a soda, or go to the movies because of the recession-when the same person just bought a new outfit from Urban Outfitters.We seem to cry "RECESSION! RECESSION! DECADENT ECONOMY!" when its convenient, or cool.

no more to say.

-Johnston Michaels

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