Saturday, November 8, 2008

Extreme Makeover: White House Edition

SO often The Peppermint exclaims about widespread apathy amongst our people.
My my, how people have been engaged these past weeks!!!

This election is/was sooo important to many of us,and we showed it in the poll booths,on our sweaters (adorned with Obama-Biden pins),in our blogs, facebook statuses, and anywhere else we could show our pride.

It still has not sunk in...ya know? The magnitude of this thing. Scratch that. Rephrase. It is the magnitude of this victory that keeps me from truly believing that my president has skin like mine.
This man...this man of rhetoric...with more charisma than Michael Jordan-has a VISION...a VISION that I can finally agree on. Barack Hussein Obama is a leader that sees in color, and I can follow that.

If any of you are still hungry to learn more about his agenda, please go to

-Brother Johnston Michaels

I have one more thing to say. The name 'WHITE HOUSE' has definitely got to change now!

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