Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Just the other day as I was strolling down the avenue I caught a glimpse of a Black brother holding a little man by the hand...and by little man, I mean...a toddler...possible the guy's son.

A few steps latter,I then witnessed a Black man cradling a baby wrapped in cloth, and looking both ways several times before proceeding to cross the icy street.

Hold on! There's one more. I saw another brother...I presume he could be 22, maybe 25...with a little man...this little man had bore his Spiderman bookbag as he walked to school.

My heart smiled, family.

Now, how often do women still say that niggas ain't shit???
Well know...niggas ain't shit.
Niggas will continue to conduct themselves as such, until they are fed up with themselves.

But these Kings I saw walking the avenue...hmph...
[Of course I don't know the content of these men's hearts...and though I am not a soothsayer,I find it not admirable so much as I do respectable that these men appeared to be responsible. I can only pray that the moving portarits I saw were honest, and not simply the responses to a mandate.]
Nonetheless,I smiled.

There ARE some screwed up men out there!!
Within the same breath, I must declare that there are a handful of men that love their kids, and ensure the best for them. You know this.

I just wanted to share my glee...
yea...its pretty phun...but, SELAH!


Johnston Michaels

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