Sunday, June 21, 2009


In my research lately it has occurred to me that the most powerful life force on this plant is the human being that has melanin. Unfortunately those without the gift suffer from severe burning from the sun, skin rashes and other skin dysfunctions. (Kinda sounds like a Vampire right???) Well it has also occurred to me that those with the gift of melanin also have the gift of alchemy. Alchemy in it's most original form was studied by our Gods and Goddess in Kemit as their highest art form. It is basically the study of melanin (regardless of what wikipedia say) So all of us with the gift have the ability to be Alchemist. All we need to do is remember what we have forgotten after being asleep for thousands of years (those unconscious of their knowledge are asleep, but beware: do not attempt to wake up a sleep person, they could kill you). Remember is not as hard as some may think. It only involves exploring our own DNA which is encoded with our knowledge. But before i go off on a tangent lets get back to the melanin. Another beautiful thing about the melanin is it strongly connects us to the SUN. Not just the sun in the sky but the sun within us, our solar plexus. We have one of the most power forms of energy pulsating in our bodies. Opening up the yellow solar plexus chakra you can transmit the energy even stronger. Now that you have the jewel, what can you do with it? IT'S SIMPLE... LETS MAKE THIS RAIN GO AWAY... Come on my people we can end this NOW. Opening up or solar plexus, eating fresh fruits and vegetables to take in chlorophyll... IT"S EASY! Let's just band together and declare that WE determine the weather NOT the government and their chemtrail! LET'S PUT OUR SOULAR ENERGY INTO THE UNIVERSE!

The Hip Hop Mona Lisa