Thursday, September 18, 2008

SEPTA Attack

I am a resident of Philadelphia...and it seems that in addition to global warming, a rising recession, and more canines being treated with as much care as the inspection of Jon Benet Ramsey's death-gruesome VIOLENCE has also risen.

There are so many theories: 'People in the North get less intense sun rays and less heat, therefore we smile less...and we operate in a manner that is more stoic than those of the South...and West'. We all know that Philadelphia [in contrast to the rest of Pennsylvania] has a lot of Colored Folk...which to some explains why brutal attacks occur here.

However, none of this explains why a middle aged Black man would get on the subway, give his son a kiss, direct him to a seat, then grab a hammer out of his bag, and attack a man;drag this man off the train and attempt to throw him on the tracks...
I watched the video...These two people did not make eye contact, nor did they exchange words. The victim was listening to his iPod, like many of us do while riding alone.

After the victim got his bloody head cleaned up,taken to Temple Hospital and received staples in his head; He stated that he did not know the man. He thought the man was trying to kill him.

Just like a majority of the people who have seen this story; I too wonder what the motive was...and why would he do this in front of this little kid.
There were about 10 people on the train as well, and none of them helped rescue the guy from being beaten so brutally. "Snitches get[ting] stitches", and minding one's own business has been taken far too seriously. These moved their seats, and sat some man was almost killed.The one thing worse than people always trying to be the SUPERHERO, is people's fear of being the SUPERHERO.


Be careful people. Be mindful of your surroundings. Do not walk at night with iPods on. Most of all...PRAY! Pray for yourself...Pray for your family and friends. Pray for the people that may run into crazies like the man on the train did.

But do not walk in fear.

-Johnston Michaels


Eye D. VS Mel O. said...

this is absolutely ridiculous. how can you just sit there and beat an unknown person in front of you small child? what was going on in the little's boys head to this day so interests me. better yet, how can people watch this and not say anything?! people are so afraid of getting hurt themselves that they refuse to do anything to help one another out.
what's worse is that this can happen to anyone, no one is exempt but if we are put in a situation like this 1, will someone have our back? I would like to hope so but because of the No Snitchin' Doctrine, probably not...

Mia said...

That's the saddest thing I ever saw, especially because he did that in front of his son, and the fact that no one helped (well ive seen that before). I was thinking about it more and I noticed how in Philly you can't expect children to be well behaved when the adults act so crazy. The dudes on the corner are all 30+, I acn't go a day with hearing some adult yelling or cursing. It's crazy. This place needs to chill. But really, I think that guy was probably paid by the government or by SEPTA so they can further gentrify. I just don't feel like we're this crazy as a people... unless money's involved.