As huemanity continues, it appears to me that people are becoming less HueMANe and way more politically correct. The politeness that our mothers taught us when we were young seem to kick in when we feel the most guilty or the need to address issues we don't really know how to handle.
Now my statement above may seem like mere speculation...but when I read the news [I'd like to thank CNN.com for my blog inspiration] and see that The House desires to apologize for the enslavement of millions of West Africans, AND THEN there are these privileged-insensitive albino mutant kids in South Africa that feel laden with superficial guilt for making a tape that mocked black housekeepers and serving them stew seemingly laced with urine...[which is nothing more than embarassment from public slandering] I realize that these apologies are utterly flat.
*(please excuse me if that was a run-on passage)
Now granted the representatives for Tennessee and the other states are not "slaveowners" themselves , but the damages to the African-American psyche and the American socio-political construct are irreparable. An apology without action is FUTILE, FLAT, SUPERFICIAL ...AND JUST PLAIN DUMB! The house states that they will stop "the occurrence of human rights violations in the future." But that peace word is not good enough for me or the members of my community.
We need the illegitimate & brutal law enforcers acquitted of their jobs. We need funding for our public school systems...especially the ones in Florida.
What about the fan fare that went on for Jena 6...then silence...or the injustice to Amadou Diallo...then silence...Mumia Abdul...Sean Bell...Rodney King 2.0...OH my Lord, the list goes on! It's the the quiet things that happen in "intimate" settings that go unaddressed.
So I am not pleased with an apology. Although it's awfully cute.
Native Americans have been apologized to,given the opportunity to run government regulation free casinos but direct financial/proper housing from the GOV. still hasnt come their way. So many of them continue to live on reservations that make 'hoods look like Beverly Hills. Come on now AMERICA!
I guess reparations just are not in the budget.
I don't know what you want to do with this bit of information. I just thought I'd add a little fire to the inherent angst existing within all of us.
-Johnston Michaels